Focus "Energie und Umwelt"

Compared to the Bachelor's degree program the master's degree program at KIT offers very great and free design options. The free choice of majors, optional subjects and two priorities, the study individual interests can be easily adapted. For this purpose are now eight different majors to choose from.

Besides choosing an appropriate major and creating an individual course plan must be also taken into account that not every course is offered every semester.

Neben den allgemeinen Anlaufstellen für Fragen und Informationen (Fakultät für Maschinenbau , ZIB ) bietet das Institut für Technische Thermodynamik speziell für die Vertiefungsrichtung "Energie und Umwelt (E+U)" folgende Flyer an:





For questions and consultations,

Dr.-Ing Robert Schißl

Prof. Dr. rer. nat. habil. Ulrich Maas

are at your disposal.